Check in each day for a little bit of magic…

Card of the Day

Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The World - Reversed…

If you find yourself feeling turned upside down this week and spinning slightly out of orbit, don’t panic. When things get this shaky it’s likely a sign that you need to find the root of the problem. In this case, if fulfillment of personal purpose is what is at stake, then you should feel gratitude for the sign that something is not quite right in the path you are taking. It’s time to reconnect to the “ultimate why” that is driving you forward. Get as specific as you can in why you have made the choices that have brought you here and you may find the why is not quite resonating for you anymore. Pinpoint your deepest passions and you will see that you can realign your planet with authenticity. Sure, it will take hard work, but this week is the wake up call you need to find your way back to a meaningful way of life.

“Let your yearning for life challenge you to leave behind a second sun which the earth can orbit!”― Lawren Leo

The World (Reversed) from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Death Card…

This is not the message I expected I’d have to deliver on a Saturday, so prepare yourself. A piece of you must die today. I know you are thinking, “Oh come ON, Holly - this is not fair.” But, I also expect you know exactly what I mean with this piece of news. There is a part of you that you have been dragging around with you, trying desperately to keep alive and, while it will be challenging, it is now time to let that part of you go quietly into the night. You don’t need it anymore - it is only weighing you down. Confront that which you have been avoiding. Do the difficult thing by letting this part of self cross over, so that something new and fresh can grow in its place. If it truly is an emotional experience for you, let yourself mourn tonight. Heck, hold a memorial and buy yourself some red, red roses to honor what you are saying goodbye to. Rebirth is on the other side of this moment, so don’t hold onto the sadness too long. You got this…it will all be ok.

“There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go.”— Jessica Hatchigan

The Death Card - Artist’s Rendering found on Etsy

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Page of Cups…

Your tiny world is FULL of delights. What strange wonder sparked your curiosity today?!? Haven’t experienced it yet - well, it’s coming your way. Be ready to welcome a tiny, but joyful glimmer of something different. Study this strange, new idea, thought, experience or even person you encounter. They deserve more than just a glance. Linger in the newness of this energy for a spell. Let yourself be enraptured by the unknown of it all. Allow this brush with the unexpected into your space and heart with open intrigue. This tiny little moment of something uniquely wondrous - this novelty you have found will inspire something greater within you - you just don’t know what yet…

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” - Albert Einstein

The Page of Cups from The AstroMatrix Tarot Deck

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Three of Swords (Reversed)…

Don’t worry - the cloudy situation you have been facing is lifting. The skies are clearing and so is your heart. No matter what has transpired, you are not to blame. Others may continue to hold on to this, but it’s imperative you release yourself from its hold. So, free your mind of any dark, lingering thoughts and let yourself breathe once more. Start by choosing positivity. Welcome a bright and optimistic outlook and you will soon see the sun break through to brighten your life.

"Negativity is an addiction to the bleak shadow that lingers around every human form--you can transfigure negativity by turning it toward the light of your soul." -- John O'Donohue

The Three of Swords (Reversed) from The Morgan Greer Tarot

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Seven of Cups (Reversed) & Six of Swords (Reversed)…

Stop - just stop reflecting back on past decisions! Your mind is steering you in the direction of the “what ifs” and the “what ifs” are a supreme waste of your time and energy. Yes, your life would be different if you had made different decisions in the past, but you don’t know how and you never will. You may feel like there’s some safety waiting for you in the idea of “well, if I had…” but these excuses are so hollow. Because, “what if” you had? You will go around in circles with this, because regret for past decisions is a road to nowhere. Happiness, fulfillment and success are byproducts of decisions you can make for yourself in the here and now. Turn your mind to the present and you will be leading your heart toward a better future. Sorry for the Tarot tough-love on a Tuesday, but it needed to be said.

“Don't spend your life wondering "what if" and worrying over something you have no control. What's done is done. Looking backwards will cause you to miss out on new blessings ahead. Move on.”― Germany Kent

The 7 of Cups (Reversed) and The 6 of Swords (Reversed) from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Princess (Page) of Wands…

For all my princesses - The fire in your eyes reveals the burning passion in your heart. You are open and ready for something more in life - something that will fulfill your deepest needs and inspire you to reach outside of the bounds of what you consider to be safe. Listen to the world around you and absorb its power, so that you may use this fiery knowledge to advance in ways you have only begun to imagine. You are at the start of something great and you know it. Don’t let anyone tame or restrict your feral curiosity - it is your superpower. Feed your desires and consume what is offered with no apologies. You are ready to set the world on fire.

“To be a woman is to harness the power of the earth below you,sky above you, and fire within you.”
― Grace Gegenheimer, The Way She Blooms

The Princess (Page) of Wands - Online art by Craiyon

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Ten of Wands…

Hey little creatures - seems like we doing some heavy lifting today. This Thursday is all about getting sh@! done and getting to that finish line. Make use of this day by committing to even the most burdensome assignments - the ones you have been carefully avoiding.There may be moments where it feels impossible to continue, but don’t give up. Just take it one tiny step at a time and keep your eye on the prize. Before you know it, you will have ticked off all the “dos” on your “to-do” list and you’ll find yourself feeling satisfied with your accomplishments and ready for bed! That will be a sweet releases, but until then - keep going, my friends!

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” —Stephen King

The Ten of Wands - Art by Eugene Smith

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Queen of Pentacles…

You have had a day, but all the efforts you have put in will grow to provide you with the abundance you deserve. So, instead of complaining about the exhaustion of your efforts, meditate on the richness you will soon be rewarded for those efforts. Let the promise of luxurious manifestation fill you with power. Take that strength and beauty with you to sleep and dream of the fulfillment of all of your colorful wishes. When you wake up, dress yourself for success for a new day. Really go glam to express on the outside all of the strength and character you carry on the inside. Treat your new day on Thursday as a new chance to multiply the bountiful gifts you have already acquired. Dominate your world by utilizing the majesty of what you have.

“Making a dream into reality begins with what you have, not with what you are waiting on.”― T.F. Hodge

The Queen of Pentacles - Artist’s Rendering on Deviant Art

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Ace of Swords…

This weekend let your thoughts drift to a whimsical place as you dream about what is possible this summer. Yes, the weather is starting to give us those sunshine rays we have longed for and a new sense of hope is on the horizon. So, what kind of fun do you hope to invite into the season ahead? Make yourself a summertime list of activities that you can look forward to. Then, set all your little joyful plans into motion. You may find you need to escape on a luxurious vacation to truly shut out life’s worries and feel free. But, you may also find bliss in simple activities - picnics, barbecues and evening walks as the sun is setting. There is so much potential, so plan now. You don’t want the season to pass by - seize it by planning ahead! Also, it’s always a joy inspiring time to just dream of tiny delights. In doing so, you will fill this weekend with happiness and wonder.

“I have only to break into the tightness of a strawberry, and I see summer – its dust and lowering skies.” - Tony Morrison

The Ace of Swords from The Cosmic Cycles Tarot by Miriam EG

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Nine of Swords…

I get it - you have got A LOT on your mind, but don’t let your thoughts determine how you feel. All the things you have to get to and the issues that need to be resolved can swirl around in your brain in a way that colors everything you do. All those things on your to-do list will get done and the myriad problems will be resolved. And, if for whatever reason they are impossible, well there’s no use worrying about them then, is there? Seriously, don’t let your dark thoughts color your entire life. Get out of that tunnel of doubt, fear and grief! Let all of these worries hang above you for now - there are more positive and joyful aspects of life that deserve your full heart and attention. And, let’s face it - you deserve a little sunshine too!

“The day you stop worrying will be the first day of your new life; anxiety takes you in circles, trust in yourself and become free.”— Leon Brown

The Nine of Swords from The Tabletop Tarot by Brandi York

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek


The music of life calls to you - can you hear it? In its harmonious tune, you will hear a multitude of voices that are singing to you the secrets you have been trying to decipher and understand. You have a colorful opportunity to be reborn, even if you don’t feel it within. Life is short, so take full advantage of the songs you are gifted with. Listen to the melodious sounds all around you - that rich, vibrant humming of the world. It is inviting you to a more authentic and fully realized version of self. Why wouldn’t you embrace this beautiful vulnerability and sacrifice the mundane in order to evolve? In fact, don’t just listen to what is calling to you - let the music inspire you to rise up and dance.

“Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.” - George Carlin

The Judgement Card - Art by ArtCASIMIR on Deviant Art

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Four of Swords & The King of Pentacles…

When you look back on your day, your week, your year, which card reflects more of who you have been and where you find yourself today? In my “other life”, I spend more than a little time in and around creatives and artists. Often, they feel as though they are not where they want to be or think they should be and you can see that their artistic spirit is a little sleepy because of their perception of self. But, I’ve spent so many years in my industry that I’ve had the incredible privilege to see so many young, budding talents mature and find their way to varied kinds of success over the years. We all will arrive to our “King of Pentacles” era, if we put in the hard work and trust that who we are meant to be is evolving in the best way as we are moving through our days. Sometimes, we are so exhausted we can’t see it, but we will find our fullest sense of self if we just keep going. So, maybe today you were the King of Pentacles and you can look back and thank that Four of Swords. And, do not take for granted those Four of Swords people in your life - they will eventually join you when they find their true purpose. On the other hand, maybe you were experiencing the tiredness and longed for restoration of the Four of Swords, resting in the hope that you might advance toward the King of Pentacles. Know that you will. No matter where you find yourself and how you may feel about your personal efforts, keep going and trust. Sweet dreams on a Tuesday! And, thank you to all of the young performers who have inspired me over the years…

“You’ve gotta believe in yourself, and you just have to work harder at it than you’ve ever worked at anything before in your life. And if you keep doing that and keep believing in yourself, great things do happen.” —Kate McKinnon

The Four of Swords & The King of Pentacles from the Cosmic Cycles Tarot by Miriam EG

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Three of Wands…

Where do you long to go, my dear friend? You must have an idea of which way you long to sail your boat, if you hope to find your way to the happiness you seek. So, take a moment tonight to chart out the path to your desired destination. In doing so, be as specific in your vision as you can. Imagine with vivid detail how you will create and discover a more vibrant sense of self. See yourself at the peak of your longed for achievement and feel the glow of that glory within. Do not limit your imagination when you are meditating on what is possible. There is so much potential on your horizon, so it’s time for you to decide in which direction you most wish to set your sails. Happy dreaming!

“To reach a port, we must sail - sail, not tie at anchor - sail, not drift.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Three of Wands from Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore (Author), Mieke Janssens (Author)

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Reversed Ten of Cups & Reversed Knight of Pentacles…

I know you have the urge to travel back to something or someone that had been quite emotionally fulfilling in your past, but you will be taking a step in the wrong direction if you try to move backwards. It’s true that what you once had was beautiful and harmonious, but it doesn’t exist in the way that you remember it anymore. You will lose your current grounding and regret returning, if you move in this direction. It will be disappointing and it won’t provide you with the same dynamic feelings you had experienced in the past. Muse on what you remember of the past, but don’t travel there expecting that what you once had will re-materialize. Anyway - why not move forward - toward the unknown, but colorful potential that awaits you on the horizon?!? Reorient yourself and don’t be afraid to leave the past behind you. You won’t regret it. There are so many more adventures to gallop into and so many new and beautiful people to meet.

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” - Soren Kierkegaard

The Ten of Cups (Reversed) and the Knight of Pentacles (Reversed) from The Golden Girls Tarot

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Seven of Swords (Reversed)…

Real talk - you can’t just sneak away from that thing you did that you aren’t proud of. I know it seems like the easy thing to do - turn your back and walk away…pretend it never happened. However, it will continue to haunt your mind until you come to terms with it. Listen, we’ve all done things we regret, so you aren’t alone in experiencing these icky feelings of guilt and shame. Acknowledge what you have done - step up and meet that monster face to face - look it dead in the eyes. Recognize that little monster is a part of who you are. Take a minute with your monster to figure out the why. Knowing why you acted the way you did will help you to generate the kind of self-awareness that will promote self-forgiveness. Once you have figured all of this out, you will be able to feed that monster what it truly needs and face the world with a more open spirit. See…you don’t really want to sneak away and carry this burden with you?!?

"What you do, tells me everything about you."    ― Jerry Fernandez

The Seven of Swords (Reversed) from The Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Four of Swords - Reversed…

Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! You have had more than enough time at rest. In fact, you have made good use of that momentary solitude to relax your mind and refresh your spirit. This meditative time was deeply needed and has likely allowed you to generate fresh thoughts and ideas, but you cannot lay about forever. Get out there and put your refreshed mind to use. If you have gestated on new goals, let’s leap into action and take the first steps toward achieving what you need and want. If you have been mentally strategizing how to approach a specific situation - you are ready to confront that which you have been avoiding. If you just needed a break…break’s over. No more snoozing. Let’s GO!

“If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.” - JM Power

The Four of Swords (reversed) from The Robin Wood Tarot

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Hierophant & The Nine of Cups (Reversed)…

In this culture we are taught to believe that aging is the enemy - that when our looks start to “fade” so does our importance in society. It’s truly unfair and can have a huge impact on our emotional wellbeing as we get older. Let’s face it, it’s hard enough to face the challenges that come with a slowing physical body, but must we also be judged so harshly for something over which we have little control?!? The truth is, true beauty grows from wisdom and understanding. Looking back on all of the worldly lessons we’ve learned along our journey, we begin to see how all of this experience connects us more powerfully to the deeper meaning of life we have chased in our youth. Let us reframe our idea of maturing and embrace the strength, wisdom and undeniable power that come with it. No matter what age you are currently resting in, acknowledge that every age holds a unique and magnificent beauty. Respect your elders and, if you are an elder, respect and love yourself.

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”– Betty Friedan

The Hierophant and The Nine of Cups (Reversed) from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Three of Swords - Reversed…

Your heart needs a break from your own dark thoughts. So, do whatever you need to do to release all of that heavy, obsessive thinking you have been doing. You don’t need such burdensome worries clogging up your Saturday night. When you let go of all of that negativity which bogs you down, I think you may find you heart will start to heal in ways you hadn’t thought possible. Why? Because you have created space internally for something more positive and fulfilling. So, free up a little space for dynamic color, wild optimism and outright fun. Even if you do this for just one night, it will have a lasting effect on your spirit. Happy Saturday!!!

"There is a magnificent, beautiful, wonderful painting in front of you! It is intricate, detailed, a painstaking labor of devotion and love! The colors are like no other, they swim and leap, they trickle and embellish! And yet you choose to fixate your eyes on the small fly which has landed on it! Why do you do such a thing?" -- C. JoyBell C.

The Three of Swords (Reversed)

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Nine of Pentacles…

This weekend is all about you - it’s time to indulge and enjoy the beauty of who you are. There is an enchanting sorcery about you that longs to be lavished with attention. You can do this in a big, splashy way if you like - a night out, a fancy dinner, a trip to the spa OR you can hunker in your gorgeous lair and indulge in the simplicity of the enchanting things you have acquired that you usually don’t have time to enjoy. A cozy sit with a dreamy book and a lush bottle of wine can be enough. Even a walk through your local park can fill the senses with the richness you deserve. Whatever you decided to do, recognize all the hard work you have put in to make this glamorous life possible. Fill your senses with the gifts you have provided for yourself and lose yourself in the magic of self.

“Keep your sunny side up, keep yourself beautiful, and indulge yourself!” - Betsey Johnson

The Nine of Pentacles from The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Death - Reversed…

Spring is springing up and so are you, my friend! In the past month or so, you may have been feeling a strangely indescribable uneasiness brewing under the surface, but that was because you have been subconsciously getting ready to shed your skin and start fresh. Whether it is planned or happening within without our awareness, change is so difficult. Self doubt, insecurity and regret can creep in when we are transforming. We wind up inadvertently grieving the loss of what we don’t even know we are losing, when in actuality we should be celebrating the process of our own beautiful metamorphosis. I think you have likely already begun to feel a shift in your personal energy toward hope, happiness and light! Take a moment today to celebrate or reward yourself for moving through those dark times and ready yourself to reemerge with dynamic determination. You are blossoming!!

“Like wildflowers; You must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” — E.V.

The Death Card (Reversed)- from the TarotKey Deck

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